The Court wants to remind attorneys that attended the Court’s November 17...
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News & Announcements: 11/2017
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Judge Waites invites members of the Bar and their staff to attend divisional Bar meetings to address changes in the Chapter 13 plan form and procedures and related local rules as they will specifically apply in cases assigned to Judge Waites. The...
On December 1, 2017, CM/ECF will be updated to implement the substantial form changes effective December 1. The upgrade will take around an hour and requires the system to be shutdown. Therefore, beginning at 12:00 am on Friday, December...
Spartanburg, December 7, 2017
Judge Burris invites bar members and office staff to meet on Thursday, December 7th in the bankruptcy courtroom in Spartanburg immediately following the scheduled Chapter 13 hearings to...
The Court thanks all that attended the November 17 training on the Local Rule amendments and new chapter 13 plan effective December 1, 2017. For those that attended via WebEx, to obtain CLE credit, please complete the...
As a supplement to the Court’s training session scheduled for Tomorrow, Friday, November 17, 2017, Judge Waites, along with the Chapter 13 Trustees, Keenan Stephenson and Jimmy Wyman, invite the members of the Bar and...
The chapter 13 plan accompanying this announcement has been adopted as the local form for this district, in...