To obtain copies or retrieve files from an archived bankruptcy case (cases filed prior to 1997) follow one of the two options listed below. If a case was filed after 1997, please refer to “Case Information”
As of July 1, 2011, the Federal Records Center - Atlanta (FRC) will close its public research room. This change will affect members of the public requesting direct access to Court records. The public will no longer be able to view Court records at the FRC. The FRC will continue to provide copies of court case files directly to the public via the current fax, mail and scan order services.
To retrieve copies of documents from the National Archives & Records Administration that are not contained in our Case Management System, please submit your request electronically.
For routine requests, the Court will typically respond to your request, by reply email, within 48 hours by returning the Order For Copies of Bankruptcy Cases Form containing the information required to obtain documents from the National Archives & Records Administration. If you wish to receive this form by mail rather than e-mail, please include a mailing address and allow 7 - 10 business days for the form to arrive.
Please visit the National Archives & Records Administration website for additional information.
If you wish to review an entire archived case file at the Clerk’s Office in Columbia, complete the "Archive Retrieval Form" and mail it to the following address;
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
ATTN: Archive Retrieval Request
1100 Laurel Street
Columbia SC 29201-2423along with the required retrieval fee. Please refer to the Schedule of Fees on the Court's website to determine the retrieval fee. The fee must be in the form of cash (exact amount only), a cashier’s check, or a United States Postal Money Order payable “Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court.” When the case has been received for viewing, the Court will contact you by the telephone number or e-mail address provided. A copy fee applies when requesting copies at the time of viewing. Retrieval of an archived case typically takes 7 - 10 days.