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Parties Without an Attorney: Creditors

Caution: Click Here Before Proceeding without an Attorney.

The resources provided on this web page are designed to provide basic information to creditors proceeding in bankruptcy court without an attorney, also known as proceeding “pro se.” When representing yourself before the Court, you must follow all applicable local and federal bankruptcy rules. Representing yourself in a bankruptcy case may be allowed; however, the process can be complex and many self-represented parties often do not obtain the relief they seek because they are unfamiliar with the requirements of the court. Information contained herein is given as a general overview of the bankruptcy process and should not be relied upon for your individual circumstances or taken as legal advice. Consult an attorney to discuss your particular circumstances.

Further information about the bankruptcy process and more detailed information for creditors is contained on the Court’s Frequently Asked Questions webpage.


No employee of the Court is permitted to give legal advice or to respond to questions which may constitute legal advice. General information regarding filing a bankruptcy case, fees, forms, trustees, Court locations, calendars, etc. is available on this site at no charge. Also, links are provided on this site to other information including the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the South Carolina Bankruptcy Local Rules.

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