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Chambers' Bulletins

Wed, 5/27/2020 - 9:44 am

It is with great sadness that the Judges learned of the passing of W. Ryan Hovis, a retired bankruptcy practitioner and chapter 7 trustee from Rock Hill, S.C., on May 26, 2020. A graduate of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina School of Law, Ryan was a Navy veteran, working with early computer programs and systems under the command of Admiral Grace Hopper, the developer of the COBOL programming language. Ryan was a member of the United States Patent Bar and he served as a chapter 7 trustee in cases under the Bankruptcy Act. Judge Davis appointed Ryan as one of the original five members of the panel of chapter 7 trustees at the time of the effective date of the Bankruptcy Code on October 1, 1979. Ryan served on the panel until his retirement in 2014. He was responsible for litigating many precedent setting matters before the Bankruptcy and District Court along with the Court of Appeals. Ryan was awarded the J. Bratton Davis Professionalism Award by the South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Association in 2015. He was interviewed for the South Carolina Bar oral history project in late 2019 and a transcript of that interview is available here.

Fri, 5/22/2020 - 11:28 am

Direction regarding hearings before Judge Helen E. Burris can be found in the Judge’s Chambers Guidelines TEMPORARY AMENDMENT DUE TO NATIONAL HEALTH EMERGENCY (originally posted March 20, 2020, in redline to highlight changes from prior procedures), available here.

Thu, 5/07/2020 - 11:37 am

Guidelines on Post-Petition Payments of Arrearage and Fees in Chapter 13 Cases (Judge Waites)

Judge Waites’ chambers has produced guidelines to assist counsel in considering a debtor’s options in the payment of post-petition arrearage and the payment of post-petition fees, charges and expenses under Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3002.1. The guidelines are available here. The guidelines have been reviewed and approved by Trustees Wyman and Stephenson and apply only to the chapter 13 cases assigned to Judge Waites.

Revised Form 362 Settlement Orders

Due to court-wide sunset of standard language in stay relief orders and due to the recent public health crisis, Judge Waites has updated the form 362 settlement orders which will allow for expedited consideration without a hearing. Copies of the form 362 settlement orders in Microsoft Word format are available here.

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