The Local Rules committee has proposed changes to the Court's local rules. The Judges seek your comments on the proposals that follow:
1. Local Rule 3011-1 is updated to reflect the new national procedure and Director's Form...
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The Local Rules committee has proposed changes to the Court's local rules. The Judges seek your comments on the proposals that follow:
1. Local Rule 3011-1 is updated to reflect the new national procedure and Director's Form...
In order to assist filers with the upgrade of our CM/ECF software to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen) on October 15, 2019, the Court has added 2 additional training dates for...
Please see the attached order regarding the Court's schedule for the upcoming...
Judges Waites and Duncan, the Clerk of Court, and the staff of the U. S. Bankruptcy Court are pleased to announce the reappointment of United States Bankruptcy Judge Helen E. Burris by the...
The current term of United States Bankruptcy Judge David R. Duncan expires on May 25, 2020. The United States Court of Appeals for...
Due to the upgrade of our CM/ECF software to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen) on October 15, 2019, the Court will conduct training for attorneys and their support staff and trustees in each divisional location as follows:
Due to the possible inclement weather as a result of Hurricane Dorian, the hearings scheduled before Judge Waites in Charleston, SC for Thursday, September 5, 2019 will be held by telephone. The Charleston Courtroom will be...