Chief Judge Waites posts the following announcement of changes to his Guidelines to be effective with all matters presented to the Court in his cases as of August 15, 2011. These changes were among those posted for comment by the public and the bar earlier this year.
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Chambers' Bulletins
Chief Judge Waites and the staff of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court would also like to thank Kimberly Newton for her service as law clerk during the past year. Kimberly has recently married and will return to the upstate of South Carolina to enter the private practice of law, including bankruptcy law. She has done an outstanding job and been a pleasure to work with. We wish her the very best!
Changes to Local Rule 3015-1, Exhibit A, and Exhibits A, B, C, D, and E to Local Rule 4003-2 are posted for comment to reflect the Fourth Circuit's holding in Botkin v. DuPont Community Credit Union, C/A No. 10-1681 (4th Cir. Jun. 13, 2011). Comments should be submitted to by no later than July 30, 2011. The Judges and Clerk wish to thank the Local Rules Committee for their review and comments to these rules.
After receiving and considering comments from the Bar and the Trustees, changes have been made to Exhibit A to Local Rule 3015-1 and Local Rule 3070-1 to provide more timely distribution to debtor's counsel in chapter 13 cases. Exhibit A to Local Rule 3015-1 is also amended to clarify that a list of the specific names and addresses of parties served with the plan should be attached to the copy of the plan filed with the Court. Local Rule 1017-2 is amended to add paragraph (e), which governs the scheduling of motions to dismiss or convert a chapter 11 case. Local Rule 5073-1 and the Administrative Order on electronic devices are amended to conform with the Judicial Conference policy on wireless communication devices and also eliminate the registration of laptop computers by attorneys. The Judges and the Clerk wish to thank the Local Rules Committee for their work on these rule changes.