Laptop computers, cell phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices, such as an Apple watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Garmin Forerunner, Kate Spade Scallop, FOSSIL, FITBit, fitness trackers of various brands, etc., that have the capability of recording or transmitting sound, pictures and/or video using wireless technology or other means, are prohibited in court facilities in the District of South Carolina. Persons exempted from this requirement are employees of the federal judiciary, employees of certain other federal government agencies, Court Security Officers, certain law enforcement agents, and attorneys and their support staff on court business. Use by attorneys and their support staff is permitted only for legitimate business purposes and to the extent that it does not interfere with judicial proceedings, including 341 meetings held in a courthouse. Other exceptions may be made in connection to specific court proceedings but only with the prior authorization of the presiding judge. The Court Security Officers monitor for these devices upon entering a facility and prohibit these devices. Attorneys or their support staff that are not known to the Court Security Officers may be asked to present a bar identification card or other form of identification to validate their exemption. Please remind clients and those accompanying them to not bring such devices to the courthouse.
Friday, January 18, 2019