The Administrative Office for United States Courts issues an annual report compiled from statistics collected by the Clerks of Court of the Bankruptcy Courts in bankruptcy cases filed around the nation. The report is required by the 2005 Reform Act and it reflects information garnered from consumer cases. You can find the full report and statistical tables at A summary of the report and a comparison of South Carolina’s data to the rest of the 4th Circuit and the nation can be found here.
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Judges' Corner Archive
Wed, 7/15/2015 - 5:00 am
Judge Waites and his Court team thank Kayce Seifert for her excellent service as his law clerk in Charleston Chambers. Kayce leaves the Court on July 31st to join the FDIC Legal Division in Washington, D.C. as an Honors Attorney. Kayce has done a great job and will be missed. We wish her the best in her new endeavor.
Judge Waites is pleased to announce that Andrew Powell will join his chambers as law clerk in Charleston beginning August 3rd. Andrew is a 2011 honors graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law and formerly practiced bankruptcy law as a supervising attorney at the Scott & Corley, P.A. law firm. We look forward to working with Andrew and welcome him to the Court.