The Local Rules have been amended to incorporate revisions to SC LBR 1073-1 and to add SC LBR 7030-1. Specific changes are noted in the comments to each rule. Please also note that certain forms promulgated by the Judicial Conference are changing effective April 1, 2010. The petition, proof of claim form, and certain other forms are being amended to include adjustments to dollar amounts in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 104. The Director's Form regarding reaffirmation agreements is also being amended to include instructions and to simplify the language found in the current form. The current Director's Form will remain as an alternate form and either form my be used in accordance with SC LBR 4008-1. Further details on these form changes may be found at
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Chambers' Bulletins
Upon the agreement of the Judges and the Local Rules Committee, the United States Bankruptcy Court posts these Local Rules for comment in anticipation of an effective date of March 31, 2010. Revised Local Rule 1073-1 incorporates Operating Order 09-05 and sets forth the Court's existing practice regarding the assignment of certain cases. The new rule removes Exhibit A and utilizes a new CM/ECF event, "Certification Regarding Judge Assignment," which will be used in place of the existing form. Proposed 7030-1 incorporates the District Court's rule regarding depositions and examinations. Comments should be submitted to by Friday March 19, 2010. The Judges and Clerk wish to thank the Local Rules Committee for their review and submissions made.