Due to video conference upgrades, the Charleston courtroom will be unavailable on Thursday, October 22, 2009. All matters scheduled for Thursday, October 22, 2009 will be held in Beaufort, South Carolina at the Beaufort Federal Courthouse, located at 1501 Bay Street, Beaufort, South Carolina 29902. Please select the Beaufort location when scheduling 362 hearings and passive matters for October 22 before Judge Waites. If you need additional information, please contact courtroom services.
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Chambers' Bulletins
With the concurrence of the United States District Court, the Bankruptcy Court may periodically schedule hearings in the Beaufort Federal Courthouse, Beaufort, S.C. The Judges shall consider Charleston Division cases for scheduling in Beaufort at their discretion or upon the suggestion of parties in interest. Judges Waites and Duncan, who are the Judges presently assigned to that division, will initially consider hearings in cases or adversary proceedings which are expected to take more than 2 hours in presentation or which are of particular interest or convenience to parties in the Beaufort area. Any suggestion of such matters by counsel should be made well in advance of the necessary hearing date and should be directed to the respective chambers staff of the assigned judge or to courtroom services. Examples of matters that may be considered are Chapter 11 matters, trials in adversary proceedings, motions for summary judgment and matters involving predominantly local witnesses. The Judges may require the consent of counsel, if known, before considering Beaufort as the location of any hearing. Consumer case matters will not be considered without the consent of the trustee.
Matters should not be self scheduled for that location at this time. Any questions should be directed to chambers or Jeff Davis, Chief Deputy Clerk of Court.
The United States Trustee and The United States Attorney have advised the Court of a criminal prosecution which may be of interest to the bar. On September 3, 2009, a Midlands man pled guilty in federal court in Columbia to making false statements in two bankruptcy petitions. The debtor failed to disclose previous bankruptcy cases and falsified other information in his cases. The United States Attorney continues to investigate and prosecute other cases of alleged bankruptcy fraud. A copy of the press release is attached.