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CM/ECF Events Changes Associated with Rule Amendments Effective December 1, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

  1. Local Rule 3015-8 allows a chapter 13 debtor to obtain credit, not exceeding $25,000, if the Chapter 13 trustee consents.  If the consent is done by letter, the “Correspondence” event can be used.  If the consent is reflected in a consent order, the “Proposed Order” event should be used.   For amount exceeding $25,000, the debtor must file a motion.  Use the “Incur Debt/Obtain Credit” event, which will schedule the motion passively.

  2. The “Motion to Restrict Public Access/Redact” event has been modified.  The event will restrict the motion immediately and the Clerk’s Office will restrict the document that is the subject of the motion, pending an order of the Court.