The judges have agreed to a revised case assignment procedure in an effort to equalize the workload. The United States Trustee has modified her trustee assignment system in certain limited respects. Effective June 27, 2016 bankruptcy cases will be assigned as follows:
Spartanburg Division – All bankruptcy cases are assigned to Judge Burris. Judge Duncan is assigned cases in which Judge Burris has a conflict. There are no changes to the trustee assignment system for the Spartanburg Division.
Charleston Division – Chapter 7 cases are assigned to Judge Duncan. All other bankruptcy cases are assigned to Judge Waites. Judges Waites and Duncan serve in cases for which the other has a conflict. There are no changes to the trustee assignment system for the Charleston Division.
Columbia Division – Case assignments are made on the basis of the county of residence or principal place of business of the debtor(s) and, as applicable, chapter.
For Aiken, Barnwell, Chester, Edgefield and Lancaster counties, all bankruptcy cases are assigned to Judge Burris. Judge Waites serves as the conflicts judge for chapter 13 cases assigned to Judge Burris and Judge Duncan serves as the conflicts judge for all other bankruptcy cases assigned to Judge Burris. Keenan Stephenson is assigned as trustee in chapter 13 cases. The chapter 7 cases are assigned to trustees in rotation.
For Bamberg, Calhoun, Darlington, Dillon, Marion, Richland and Lee counties, chapter 13 cases are assigned to Judge Waites, Judge Burris serves as the conflicts judge. Keenan Stephenson is the chapter 13 trustee. Judge Duncan is assigned all other bankruptcy cases from these counties. Judge Burris is the conflicts judge. The chapter 7 cases are assigned to trustees in rotation.
For the remaining counties of the Columbia Division Judge Duncan is assigned all bankruptcy cases. Judge Burris is the conflicts judge. Pamela Simmons Beasley is the chapter 13 trustee. The chapter 7 cases are assigned to trustees in rotation.
The presiding judge may from time to time request another judge of the court to take action, conduct hearings and make determinations on matters assigned to the presiding judge.
Judge Burris will post changes to her chambers guidelines and calendars in the near future and will make a separate announcement concerning cases assigned to her in the Columbia Division. The CMECF user guidelines will also be revised as necessary, for example to require running the judge assignment module upon filing a chapter 11 case.