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Judges' Corner Archive

Mon, 6/23/2014 - 5:00 am

Judge Waites has amended his Chambers Guidelines to establish a Loss Mitigation/Mediation Program to assist in resolving home mortgage issues in bankruptcy cases assigned to him through consensual mortgage modification.

The procedures are similar to those used in other districts which report great success, and are described in the attachment.

An additional no look fee of $1000 is authorized as compensation for Debtor’s counsel who provide the services described in the Program. Further information and training on these procedures is anticipated and will be announced.

As a result of the implementation of this Program, the Chambers Guidelines have also been changed regarding Mortgage Modification via Chapter 13 Plan and Consent Order.

While these procedures are effective immediately, the judge invites comments or questions to be sent to no later than July 7, 2014.

These procedures apply solely to cases assigned to Judge Waites.