The Court maintains a list of experienced bankruptcy counsel who wish to be considered as mediators in bankruptcy related litigation. These counsel agree to be available on short notice and often agree to a reduction in their usual hourly rate. Any counsel who wish to be listed should contact A description of the mediation program appears under the Chambers Guidelines & Information section of the Court's Web Page.
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Judges' Corner Archive
See Operating Order 07-03.
After consultation with the Court's Advisory Committee, the Judges have approved a new policy which allows the Clerk to delete incorrect or incomplete addresses from the mailing matrix upon the return of mail for the failure of service or to change the address to a corrected or forwarding address if provided by the U.S. Postal Service. Returned mail will be noted on the case docket, in order to advise (by NEF) debtor's counsel, trustees and other parties of the deletion or change and indicate the opportunity to provide a corrected or complete address.
In the instance of an attorney's change of address, the notifying attorney should provide a specific list of cases in which the address change will be noted, otherwise it will be changed in all pending and closed cases in which the attorney is associated.
In addition to wireless capabilities in Columbia and Charleston, the Judges are please to announce that wireless access is now available in Spartanburg.
Further, attorneys registered to access the Court's wireless network and approved to bring laptop computers into the courthouse for use in making presentations to the Court are also welcome to use the Court's facilities in Columbia on days when 341 meetings are conducted in the Strom Thurmond Federal Building. The Judges of this Court trust that this will be of assistance to those of you who travel some distance to attend 341 meetings and could use the opportunity to work or communicate with your office between meetings of creditors. Wireless service is also available in Spartanburg and Charleston where the Courts are also used for 341 meetings.
A wireless signal is available on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the courthouse in Columbia and will be available in the basement canteen area in the near future. Please be considerate of those in the adjacent chambers and office space while using wireless access in the second and third floor conference rooms and in the canteen area.