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Judges' Corner Archive

Mon, 2/28/2005 - 4:00 am

In the next few days, revised local rules will be posted for consideration and comment by the bar. It has been the aim of both the Local Rules Advisory Committee and the Court to simplify and streamline the local rules and procedures. To that end, approximately 37 pages of Clerk’s instructions, 7 operating orders, 18 officially required forms and 20 local rules have been eliminated, merged or substantially reduced.

The Local Rules Committee chaired by Rick Mendoza, including Cynthia Lowery, Beth Reno, Mike Church, Jim Sheedy, Joe Buzhardt and Brenda Argoe, deserve our appreciation for their many hours of work.

An administrative group of Robin Blume, Regina Brown, Peppa Caskey, David Duncan, Lydia Eloff and Tammi Hellwig also worked to streamline the rules and procedures. For the first time in many years, each rule was edited to achieve a common style and presentation. Special thanks to my law clerk, Tammi Hellwig, for serving as the primary scrivener which required considerable weekend work over the last month.

Despite these significant efforts, we expect that there can be improvements, so we look forward to your comments and suggestions.