Operating Order 07-12, Order Setting Procedures for Approval of Attorney's Fees in Chapter 13 Cases, has been amended as Operating Order 09-01 to reflect the changes to the chapter 13 form plan and the new numbering conventions set forth in the revised Local Rules.
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Chambers' Bulletins
In order to effectuate an equitable caseload division, Judge Burris will be assigned additional pending Chapter 13 cases in the Columbia division. Effective Monday, March 2, 2009, all open Chapter 13 cases filed prior to January 1, 2008 in which William K. Stephenson, Jr., serves as Trustee in the Columbia division will be transferred to Judge Burris. Previously scheduled hearings will be heard by Judge Waites or Judge Burris as appropriate. Parties self-scheduling matters on or after March 2 should take care to schedule the case before the assigned Judge.
The Judges of the Court will speak at the March Bankla meeting on March 5, 2009 and would like to take questions from the Bar about the Court's policies, procedures, or general issues of law. Please submit your questions to Jeff Davis at scbcfeedback@scb.uscourts.gov by March 1, 2009 for inclusion in the March meeting.