The judges have approved a new set of Local Rules which include provisions necessary to implement the new Bankruptcy Reform Act, including the incorporation of recommended Interim Bankruptcy Rules (until the federal rules approval process can be completed). The new Local Rules have been published on the Court’s web page and, as of Monday, October 17, 2005, will replace the existing rules. The Local Rules indicate, in certain places, when a Rule or part of a Rule is applicable only to a post-Act case, therefore, the new Rules will govern both pre- and post-Act cases. The Local Rules adopt the Interim Bankruptcy Rules and, in order to reduce the number of places to look for applicable rules, we inserted a copy of the Interim Bankruptcy Rule behind the corresponding Local Rule (including even the most recent revisions made to the Interim Bankruptcy Rules last week). Although not an exclusive list, significant changes have been made to the following Rules: (Click here for more)
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Chambers' Bulletins
The Court has taken a series of steps to prepare for the implementation of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005.
1. Since May, the judges have sponsored or participated in over 9 bar meetings/seminars which have offered training and discussion on the new requirements of the Act.
2. An e-mail address has been established for the bar to submit comments or raise issues regarding the new Act.
3. A separate resource on the Court’s web page has been established for information regarding the new Act, including a link to recommended Interim Rules and new Official Forms.
4. CM/ECF training is being offered to demonstrate and discuss new CM/ECF events which relate to the Act
5. Revisions to the Court’s Local Rules necessary to implement the new Act and to incorporate the recommended Interim Bankruptcy Rules (until the federal rules approval process can be completed) have been made and will be published this week.
Unlike other changes in procedures, much of the Court’s final preparation for the Reform Act has had to await national efforts and developments, including those necessary to accommodate the CM/ECF system. Changes and corrections are expected to continue and therefore we will have to make adjustments as we go along. With the implementation of these new rules and requirements, there will be an ongoing opportunity to make suggestions. We look forward to working with the bar to refine procedures under the new Act.