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Chambers' Bulletins

Mon, 3/28/2005 - 4:00 am

In November 2003 the Court, in conjunction with the S.C. Bankruptcy Association, conducted in Columbia a ½ day seminar for young attorneys and attorneys new to the bankruptcy practice in the District. Presentations included practice and advocacy tips from the judges, and sessions on working with the Clerk’s Office, United States Trustee, and Chapter 13 and 7 trustees. There may be a minimal cost to cover the production of materials and refreshments. Attendees will receive CLE credit.

If there is sufficient interest, we would consider conducting a similar seminar during April or May.

If you are interested in attending, please advise Judge Waites by e-mail to or telefax to 803-253-3464 with your name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address on or before April 5, 2005 at 4:00 P.M.

Tue, 3/15/2005 - 4:00 am

On April 7, 2005, at the conclusion of Judge Waites’ Spartanburg docket (approximately 10:30 a.m.), the Chapter 13 Trustee - Beth Burris and Judge Waites would be pleased to meet with the bar in the Spartanburg/Greenville division to discuss issues of interest and procedures related to bankruptcy practice in this District. A brief presentation will also be made regarding the new Local Rules of the Court.

If you have specific substantive questions or suggestions which you would like the judge to address, please forward them in writing on or before March 31 st to telefax (803) 253-3464.

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