On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 1044 cases in the Spartanburg division were erroneously transferred to the new Greenville division, which is not effectively operational until March 1, 2022. This erroneous transfer caused duplicate cases on the court’s docket with the same case number but different division numbers. To correct this error, the duplicate Greenville cases are being removed from the Court’s docket. Although this error was caught the same day, not all cases could be removed from Greenville before further docketing occurred. The Court is in the process of making necessary modifications to fully restore the Spartanburg cases before removing the Greenville cases. We expected all Spartanburg cases will be fully restored, to include all documents filed on or after February 2, by Monday, February 7. If you encounter a duplicate Greenville case, please docket in the Spartanburg case while the issues are being resolved. The Spartanburg case will be noted with the number "7" before the case year and the Greenville case will be noted with the number "6" before the case year. Please call the court at 803-765-5436 if you have any questions regarding your pending cases.
Friday, February 4, 2022