The Court completed a major system upgrade to CM/ECF over the weekend. There are several known resulting issues with CM/ECF and the Court is working on resolving these matters with the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Two of the matters impact the ability of the trustees to extract data and access menu options. Additionally, some filers are also receiving the below error when attempting to file a document. This particular error may be resolved by navigating back in CM/ECF and resubmitting the request. Please reach out to the Help Desk at 803-253-3624 if you need any assistance.
Common error message:
A serious error has occurred in this application. The content of the "context" file named "/tmp/799686381544586" was not in the expected format. This may simply be due to this page being accessed (via a hyperlink) before the previous page completed. If this is the case please reload the last screen (press the back button) and wait until the page has completed loading before "clicking" on any hyperlinks displayed on the page. This error could also be caused by a "full filesystem" on the server. Please contact the help desk for additional instructions.