Several events will be modified on December 1st in association with changes to the Local Rules. Filers should carefully review the rule changes.
Proposed Order and Trustee Credit Approval
The Court is retiring the Proposed Order and Trustee Credit Approval events associated with the former version of Local Rule 3015-8. If needed, Debtors may still seek an order approving post-petition debt by consent using the new event Proposed Consent Order under Ch. 13.
Post-Confirmation Transaction Report SC LBR 3015-8
A new form was created to correspond with changes to Local Rule 3015-8. The Post-Confirmation Transaction Report SC LBR 3015-8 form is available on the Court’s website. When required, this form should be filed using the new CM/ECF event Post Confirmation Transaction Report.
Incur Debt/Obtain Credit
The Court modified the Incur Debt/Obtain Credit event for chapter 12 cases to make this event passive.
Certificate of Service
The Court made significant changes to the Certificate of Service event to ease the cost of noticing. Where service is not required pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 7004, the revised event allows the user to select whether some or all of the noticing was effected by NEF. Prior to filing a document, a filer can determine which case participants will receive an NEF by using the new CM/ECF Utility event Mailing Info for a Case. A new Participant’s Guide for this utility and an updated Participant’s Guide for the Certificate of Service event are posted on the Court’s website.