United States Trustee Judy A. Robbins is pleased to announce the selection of Pamela Simmons-Beasley to replace retiring Chapter 13 standing trustee Joy S. Goodwin, effective January 1, 2016. The United States Trustee thanks Joy Goodwin for sixteen years of outstanding professional service and her establishment of a superbly run office. Pam has a wealth of experience as a debtor’s attorney, and she has made numerous significant contributions in her career to the bankruptcy bar and to the local community. She possesses the professional and administrative skills, character, and commitment to continue Joy’s legacy of high-quality service to our chapter 13 constituency. Judy Robbins asks that you join her in congratulating Joy upon her retirement and in welcoming Pam to her new position. Effective January 1, 2016, changes will be made by the United States Trustee in the area of trustee case assignment which will affect many bankruptcy practitioners and debtors in the District of South Carolina. These changes are summarized below. While some changes will take place on January 1, 2016, others will take place sometime during the first week of January 2016, due to a necessary brief delay in making the changes on the Court’s computer systems. All Chapter 13 cases being administered by Joy Goodwin on December 31, 2015, will be assigned to Pam Beasley effective January 1, 2016. A notice of change in trustee assignment from the United States Trustee will be filed in these cases around January 4, 2016. Chapter 13 cases filed in the Columbia division between January 1, 2016, and approximately, January 4, 2016, will be assigned to Keenan Stephenson. Pam Beasley will begin getting new cases assigned to her around January 4, 2016. All Chapter 13 cases from Horry County and Williamsburg County will be assigned to standing trustee James Wyman. This change applies only to cases filed on or after approximately January 4, 2016. Cases filed from these counties between January 1, 2016, and approximately January 4, 2016, will be assigned to Keenan Stephenson. Cases from these counties filed prior to January 1, 2016, presently being administered by Joy Goodwin, will be administered by Pam Beasley effective January 1, 2016. All Chapter 13 cases from York County will be assigned to standing trustee Gretchen Holland. This change applies only to cases filed on or after approximately January 4, 2016. In cases filed from York County prior to January 4, 2016, there will be no change in trustee assignment. Cases in which Pam Beasley served as debtor’s counsel and which are presently being administered by Joy Goodwin will be transferred to Keenan Stephenson effective January 1, 2016. A notice of change in trustee assignment from the United States Trustee will be filed in each transferred case. Pam Beasley will no longer be serving in any capacity in these cases and in debtor cases she had that are currently being administered by Keenan Stephenson. A delay in payment to debtors’ attorneys and creditors in confirmed cases transferred to Keenan Stephenson will occur due to administrative measures that need to be taken as a result of the transfer. Payments may be delayed for several weeks. Chapter 13 cases filed by Pam Beasley which have been completed but not administratively closed as of January 1, 2016, will not be transferred to Keenan Stephenson. The Chapter 13 offices of Pam Beasley and Keenan Stephenson will notify employers and debtors of the change in trustee assignment for payment purposes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tim Stack, Assistant United States Trustee, using the information below. John T. StackAssistant United States Trustee1835 Assembly Street, Ste. 953Columbia, SC 29201(803) 765-5218John.T.Stack@usdoj.gov
Tuesday, December 22, 2015