The judges of the court have entered Amended Operating Order 20-14 available here. Please note significant changes summarized below: Hearings and Trials. Effective June 14, 2021, court hearings before a bankruptcy judge will be held in person unless otherwise indicated. However, each presiding judge may take steps to avoid such appearances or proceedings as they deem appropriate. Note: The United States Trustee conducts meetings of the creditors pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 341 and procedures for those meetings are not controlled by the Court or this Order. Entry to Courthouses. All persons seeking entry to or occupying the Bankruptcy Court public or private spaces in Columbia or Charleston, who are not fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, must wear a face covering or mask that completely conceals the wearer’s nose and mouth at all times. Although this Op. Order 20-14 applies to all court locations, Spartanburg is subject to Amended Standing Order regarding the Use of Face Coverings or Masks in Courthouses due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), Misc. No. 3:21-mc-00336-RBH (D.S.C. Jun. 4, 2021). Bankruptcy court locations are also governed by the Second Amended Standing Order regarding Restrictions on Visitors to Courthouses due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), Misc. No. 3:21-mc-00330-RBH (D.S.C. Jun. 3, 2021). Both orders are posted on this Court’s website, available at
Monday, June 7, 2021