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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

As previously announced, the Court has upgraded CM/ECF to version 3.1 to comply with the statistical reporting requirements as a result of BAPCPA. Along with other data, courts are now required to capture data pertaining to 362 matters which are resolved by the submission of a stipulation for court approval of an agreement for relief from stay without the filing of an initiating motion. Only in instances in which a stipulation is filed without an initial motion, the filer should now include “I so move for approval” at the end of the proposed stipulation.
In order to capture the necessary statistical information, filers should use a new event under “Other - Proposed 362 Consent Order (no 362 motion filed).” Procedures for submitting proposed orders subsequent to the filing of a motion for relief from stay remains the same. The Court appreciates your continuing to assist with implementation of the Reform Act.