Are you looking for a rewarding way to give back to the community? Sign up to volunteer for the CARE Program of South Carolina!
Over the past several months, the CARE Program has been revitalized as a result of the partnership between the Bankruptcy Court, South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Association, and South Carolina Legal Services, and the efforts of a dedicated and energetic CARE working group comprised of Jane Downey, Marilyn Gartley, Janet Haigler, Susan Ingles, Kathleen Muthig, Lauren Schumann, Pamela Simmons-Beasley, Bill Short, Daniel Stone and Judge John Waites.
The working group has prepared and updated financial literacy materials for presentations and outreach, and has organized more than 10 presentations that have reached over 300 students and adults, both inside and outside of South Carolina.
Recently, as a result of an introduction made to the leadership of the South Carolina Department of Education by George Cauthen and Inez Tenenbaum of Nelson Mullins law firm, members of the CARE Program working group presented the Program at the SC Finance Forum to 40 teachers from across the state who specialize in financial literacy instruction.
As a result, we anticipate even more state-wide requests for CARE presentations and need more volunteers. Volunteers may choose to participate in presentations at their convenience and in their local community. "Ready to go" presentation materials are provided and volunteers may request to be accompanied by an experienced presenter. It's easy and very rewarding!
A demonstration of the CARE Program presentation will be provided at the November 19, 2016 monthly meeting of the South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Association, so be on the lookout for the announcement.
Share your knowledge regarding how to make smart financial decisions to help students and members of our community avoid the pitfalls of financial illiteracy. Sign up to volunteer on the CARE Program - South Carolina website: If you experience any difficulties in registering on the website, send an email to
If you have questions, contact any member of the CARE working group. Other current members of the bankruptcy bar who have volunteered are:
Barbara BartonAnn BellChristine BrimmJeff Davis Robert KerrRobert KingSarah KistlerSean MarkhamBill McCarthyRick MendozaSmith PodrisAndrew PowellMaureen White
Wednesday, October 21, 2015