As previously announced, Doug Barnett of the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Joe Dusenbury of the South Carolina Department of Revenue will be making a presentation in Columbia on the provisions affecting the treatment of taxes and tax obligations under the new Act and tips for working with their agencies on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 commencing at 10:30 a.m. in the main courtroom. We anticipate that this morning session will last approximately 1 hour.
As an addition to this session, at the request of several practitioners, there will be a Chapter 11 roundtable discussion addressing changes to Chapter 11 practice, including individual and small business cases. The participants will include Bill McCarthy, David Duncan, Bob Cooper, Dave Wheeler and Judge Waites. We will reconvene at 1:00 p.m. for the Chapter 11 roundtable discussion which will last 1 to 1½ hours.
The sessions are being sponsored by the Court and we anticipate the approval of CLE credit for attendance. There is no cost to attend. Please sign-up with Cheryl Hughes by Friday, September 16, 2005 to if you plan on attending either or both sessions.
As with all training sessions being held at the Court, participation is voluntary, with the purpose being to promote the sharing of ideas and to provide a helpful tool to assist you in preparing for changes in practice as a result of the new Act.