On behalf of the Judges and Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, thank you to the South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Association, its members and other attendees at the 25th Annual Meeting for the hospitality, social interaction and excellent educational opportunities.
The Bankruptcy Court is pleased to recognize the Association’s award recipients:
J. Bratton Davis Professionalism Award
W. Ryan Hovis
The nomination and statements by Judge Duncan in presenting the award include: Ryan, appointed by Judge Davis as a chapter 7 trustee in Bankruptcy Act cases and a panel trustee for Bankruptcy Code cases from 1978 to 2014, certainly satisfies the five requirements for consideration of the award. He is civil to just shy of a fault; respectful, without being a pushover; he treats all parties with integrity, respect and fairness. Ryan is responsible for litigating or pursing many of the precedent setting bankruptcy decisions in South Carolina and argued novel theories to recover significant assets for creditors. The nomination, from a debtor’s counsel, summed up Ryan’s qualifications as follows: “he was known as a trustee as one who would be fair to debtors, he also somehow managed to recover significant sums for creditors, not at the expense of beating debtors for every last dime.” [H]e set “an example of how a trustee should carry himself.” Ryan was a mentor and source of information for many young bankruptcy attorneys and for those who sought his advice on matters that were novel to them but which he regularly saw in his practice.
William E. S. Robinson Public Service Award
Susie Ingles
The nomination and statements by Judge Waites in presenting the award include: In Susie's everyday service as an attorney for SC Legal Service she demonstrates dedication to the delivery of legal services to the poor. She helped set up the legal clinics (foreclosure Friday clinics) we provide at the bankruptcy court and has established systems to expedite the referral of qualifying pro se filers to SC Legal Services for representation. Recent projects include setting up an online, group setting financial management session for low income and computer deficient debtors in the upstate to meet the case closing requirement in cases. For SC Legal services she has received over $90,000 in grants from the American Bankruptcy College and used the funds to produce helpful videos on bankruptcy and housing, student loans and domestic issues- among other things.
As a member of the recent student loan debt project, she initiated the relationship with American Student Assistance which will allow free student loan management advice for any SC resident and she helped establish the new pro.net web site to serve as the home for the updated CARE program in SC.
She was nominated by her peers at SC Legal Services and others for the award.
David R. Duncan, Chief Judge
For the Court