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New CMECF Events and Judicial Opinions

Fri, 04/01/2016 - 5:00am

New CMECF Events for Loss Mitigation/Mediation (Loan Modification) Requests in Judge Duncan and Judge Burris Cases

The court has made two CMECF events available for use in chapter 13 cases assigned to Judges Burris and Duncan. The "Request for Loss Mitigation/Mediation" event requests stay relief to initiate loss mitigation discussions, including requests for loan modifications. It does not require creditor consent, no separate motion is necessary, and a court appearance is not required. A proposed order lifting the stay so that consensual discussions may take place is generated for the judge. The "Notification of Permanent Loan Modification" event notifies the trustee and court of a consensual, permanent loan modification. The event requires the attachment of the modification agreement. A proposed order authorizing the trustee to cease making mortgage arrearage payments under the plan (if any were called for) is generated for the judge. Once again, no motion or court appearance is required. The instructions for using the events can be found under Participant’s Guides on the court’s webpage. Copies of the proposed orders generated by the events will be added to chambers guidelines.

Judicial Opinions

An update has been posted to the Court's Judicial Opinions webpage. For the "10 Most Recently Posted" Opinions please click on this link.