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Attorney Assistance to Domestic Support Claimants/Small Business Creditors

Wed, 06/08/2016 - 5:00am

Similar to the Pro se Debtor Assistance program used in his cases, Judge Waites would like to identify attorneys interested in receiving referrals of pro se parties who have the following type of claims/issues in Chapter 13 cases on his docket: Domestic Support Obligations and Small Business Creditors.

Obtaining counsel is not only better for the pro se claimant but often allows for a more expedited and fair resolution of disputes which also benefits debtors, trustees and the case administration process. Therefore, referring pro se claimants to experienced attorneys assists everyone.

The referral to a participating attorney would be made by a member of the Judge's case team in the order that attorneys sign up. The attorney would agree to an expedited appointment or telephone consultation if necessary and, upon an agreement for representation and the filing of a notice of appearance, the court would consider any necessary continuances.

If you are interested in participating, please advise Nicole Stalvey at by providing your preferred contact information. You may also provide a brief description of your experience in representing parties in these areas.