The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of South Carolina will be upgrading its CM/ECF software to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen) on October 15, 2019.
What is new for attorneys in NextGen?
Central Sign-On is new functionality that will allow attorneys to maintain one account across all NextGen courts (appellate, bankruptcy, and district). What this means is that attorneys will be able to use one login and password to access all NextGen courts where they have permission to file and PACER for all courts.
What steps must an attorney do to prepare for NextGen?
- Each attorney MUST have his/her own individual PACER account. If an attorney does not have an individual PACER account, the attorney must create one before the Court upgrades to NextGen. Shared PACER accounts cannot be used by filing attorneys once the court has upgraded. Firms may set up a PACER Administrative Account to help manage attorney accounts and have those individual accounts centrally billed for PACER access fees. To register for a PACER Administrative Account, please visit
- Existing “Legacy” PACER accounts (accounts issued prior to August 11, 2014) must be upgraded. Go to, Manage My Account, and login with the attorney’s current PACER credentials. Note the display in Account Type. If “Legacy,” select Upgrade, and update the information.
Each attorney MUST know his/her current CM/ECF login/password for filing documents. Make sure attorneys know their CM/ECF login and password before the court upgrades to NextGen. If the login information is stored in the browser, it WILL be lost and not recoverable. Once the court upgrades, attorneys must link their existing ECF accounts to their upgraded PACER accounts for Central Sign On. If an attorney does not know his/her login or password, please contact the court at
Attorneys will NOT be able to file in NextGen until their ECF account is linked to their upgraded individual PACER account. This linkage, however, cannot be done until AFTER the court upgrades to NextGen. We will provide step by step instructions at a later date on how to link an ECF account to an upgraded PACER.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation as the court prepares to upgrade to NextGen ECF.
Follow the instructions below to link your e-filing and PACER accounts.
- Make sure that you are logged out of PACER completely and close your browser.
- Open your browser and go to the CM/ECF website of the court where you are registered. If you do not have the web address, you can link to it from here.
- Click the CM/ECF Document Filing System link. At the login screen, log in with your upgraded PACER account credentials.
- Click Utilities from the Main Menu Bar.
- Select NextGen Release 1.1 Menu Items.
- Select Link a CM/ECF account to my PACER account.
- Enter your current CM/ECF Login and Password and Click Submit.
- Confirm that you want to link the Accounts.
- A confirmation screen will display.
- If successful, your CM/ECF e-filing account will now be linked to your upgraded PACER account.
Hearing locations for the Columbia Division are based on case Judge. Charleston and Spartanburg locations are not affected.
- Columbia (DD)
- Columbia (JW)
- Columbia (HB)